Terms of Reference

The Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth shall inquire into how trade and investment can support Australia's transition to a green energy superpower. In conducting its inquiry, the Committee shall have particular regard to:

• where trade and investment activities are already having a positive impact;

• emerging and possible future trends;

• the role of key commonwealth agencies including Austrade, in identifying new trade and inward investment opportunities, and assisting Australian companies to access these opportunities, including through whole of government coordination of investment;

• areas of growth, and how can these be accelerated and/or assisted, including through the use of Commonwealth Special Investment Vehicles; and how Australia can capitalise on existing and future trade agreements and economic frameworks with countries or regions around the world.

In inquiring into this topic, the Committee will have particular regard to the areas that play to Australia's strengths, as identified by the Australian Government in consultation with the states and territories including: renewable energy, battery storage, energy supply and infrastructure, electric vehicle industry, infrastructure; advanced manufacturing, and services and technology.

Committee Secretariat contact:

PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 2233

About this inquiry

On 11 October 2022, following a referral from Senator the Hon Don Farrell, Minister for Trade and Tourism, the Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth resolved to inquire into and report on Australia's transition to a green energy superpower.

Past Public Hearings

23 Jun 2023: Canberra
17 May 2023: Gladstone
16 May 2023: Brisbane


Inquiry Status

Report Tabled


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